Introducing "Kenya Harvest Reserve" – a coffee that embodies the essence of Kenyan coffee craftsmanship.
This blend comprises AB screen size coffees from various estates and cooperatives, predominantly cultivated by dedicated smallholders, each nurturing an average of 200 coffee trees. The cherries, handpicked at the peak of ripeness, embark on a journey from the farms to cooperative factories (wet mills). Here, they undergo meticulous processing, including disc pulping, full fermentation, washing, and sundrying on elevated drying tables. The result is a carefully consolidated parchment, ready for the final steps at dry mills, where it's hulled, graded by size and density, and prepared for sale.
Kenya is renowned for its green coffee beans, known for bold, fruit-forward flavors and lively acidity. The legendary SL-28 and SL-34 varietals, developed in the 1930s by Scott Agricultural Laboratories (hence, SL), have been instrumental in shaping Kenyan coffee's exceptional cup quality. Even in high-altitude conditions, they deliver a remarkable yield and resist drought. Following the 1968 coffee berry disease (CBD) epidemic, the CBD-resistant Ruiru-11 varietal was developed and swiftly embraced throughout the country.
Discover the essence of Kenya's coffee heritage in every sip of Kenya Harvest Reserve, a testament to the dedication of Kenyan coffee farmers and the rich flavors they bring to your cup.
FLAVOR: Dark Chocolate, Brown Spice, Apricot, Chamomile
BODY: Medium